I'm | Naman an Engineer NamanGineer

 Hello! My name is Naman Jain, and I am a kick-ass Computer
Engineer.  I am studying to become a Patent Attorney at Windsor Law, while doing some freelancing work.


Fame Game

Flutter IOS and Android App

Connect, Get Famous, And Earn! This app is a social experiment where 100 students compete on this social media platform to become the most famous. Coming soon on Android and IOS. Currently in Alpha 

Fame Game

Made with Firebase and Flutter. People compete for fame on every social media platform. They like every post they see in hopes that the other person will return the favour.
This app is designed to trace those people and their behaviours. The twist? The
participant that gets the most likes will be awarded $100.

Magic Cards

AR Unity App

 With Magic Cards using your printer, you can print a set of AR codes that will act as your playing cards. If you get bored with a game, you can simply switch to a different game like UNO or Pokemon.

Magic Cards

Made using Unity and Vuforia Engine, Magic Cards is an app that was designed to make every party fun with a wide assortment of cards. For now our app allows users to see 52 shuffled cards in AR project over printed cards. In the future we want to make it project open source and let people add their own custom cards. 

Machine Learning and Data Mining

University Assignments

This is a compilation of all university projects I have done in my Data Mining and Autonomous Driving courses.

Machine Learning and Data Mining

I covered topics such as
• Object Detection (click me) • Encoder Decoder Neural Network (click me) • Vanilla Neural Network (click me)
• Autonomous Driving Lane Change (click me) • MySQL + Python Database Assignments (click me)

Omniscient Traffic Lights

Research Project

Using the power of Adaptive programming, can the communication between cars and traffic lights help determine a better traffic light system?

Omniscient Traffic Lights

Using speed limits, and crowd communication between the travellers and the on route traffic lights, traffic light timings and travellers speed was determined and theoretical time saving of 50% was achieved. The simulation was created using python, and the research was done within the scope of the course. GA was custom coded and no prebuilt code was utilized.

Invoice maker

Web App

This app allows anyone who has no knowledge on using word and excel to create invoices quickly and to  keep track of sales. This app conveniently does so using a friendly interface.

Invoice Maker

Made using Python and Firebase. This web app can store products and their details on a database and allow users to access those items to automatically create invoices and receipts in pdf format. Users can track the previous sales price and quantity used as well as well as receive annual revenue predictions.

Android App

 Have you ever had experienced a moment in your life when you know something important has happened in the last week but you can't seem to recall what it is? Remember this won't let you forget.

Remember This?

Our app accepts a video recording of your day, stores it into the cloud, uses voice recognition to detect key works like "idea" and laughter, and uses image detection to detect clips where the observer smiles.
Then by filtering these clips, our app will determine the timestamps of the best moments and create a compilation of the best clips of the day. Then we will send you an SMS containing the link to the video so you can watch it directly on your phone!

X-Y Controller

Embedded Systems Project

This project is made to simulate the behaviour of a crane. User inputs x-y coordinates on the controller and the system rotates 2 wheels in the respective direction and distance. 

X-Y Controller

Programmed in C and made with the MSP430 micro-controller by Texas Instruments. Control two Stepper Motors with attached wheels that rotate in an X and Y direction respectively. An REFL Light Sensor detects each full rotation and the C program determines distance traveled. A 4x4 Keypad is used to enter the desired X and Y coordinates. An 8-chanel multiplexor is used to convert the 8 signals of the keypad to be usable with just 3 signals. Sounds simple but it is very difficult to achieve.


Wow! Thanks for making it this far. When I am not working, studying, or
hacking, I can be found playing Basketball, working out at the gym,
reading fantasy novels, listening to Drake, writing, and

Website Project

This website was made using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.